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Lab 1


In Lab 1, we sought to familiarize ourselves with the Artemis Nano board and the Arduino IDE. To do so, we ran example scripts for LED blink, microphone read, temperature read, and serial communication.


LED Blink:

Uploading the Arduino ‘Blink.ino’ example script at 115200 baud rate, the LED on the LED_BUILTIN digital pin blinked at a rate of one cycle per two seconds, as demonstrated here:

Serial Communication:

Uploading the Artemis ‘Example04_Serial.ino’ script at 115200 baud rate, the Nano began monitoring the serial port at the prescribed 115200 baud rate. When text, followed by a newline, was entered through the Arduino IDE serial monitor, the characters were read from the serial buffer by the Nano and printed back to the computer to appear in the serial monitor. Writing “Hello World!” echoed back as demonstrated here:

Temperature Read:

Uploading the Artemis ‘Example02_AnalogRead.ino’ script at 115200 baud rate, the Nano began reading the value at its temperature sensor on the ADCPIN with a resolution of 16 bits. Following some abstracted processing, this value was printed as an embedding labelled ‘external’ in a string at the prescribed baud rate of 115200. Blowing on the board caused the temperature reading to increase then normalize rapidly, as demonstrated here:

Microphone Read:

Uploading the Artemis ‘Example1_MicrophoneOutput.ino, the Nano began monitoring the frequencies its pulse density microphone was sampling using FFT. The frequency bin with the highest magnitude was printed at the prescribed baud rate of 115200. By (attempting to) whistle near the microphone in a descending frequency, the printed frequency decreased, as demonstrated here: